Second Thursdays in the Memorial Garden

garden 2016

You are invited to join us for a brief community memorial service on  the second Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:00 at the Hospice Memorial Garden located at Living Memorial Park in Brattleboro.

The short program will consist of readings of inspirational poems and brief reflections on grief and loss, an opportunity to decorate a memorial stone to place in the garden or take home, and some quiet time to enjoy the beauty of the garden.

Everyone is invited to this free event.  This new offering from Brattleboro Area Hospice is called “2nd Thursdays in the Memorial Garden”, and it will be offered on September 8th.  The facilitator is Connie Baxter, BAH Bereavement Care Coordinator.

The garden is located on Guilford Street, on the hillside adjacent to the road, directly across from #150 Guilford St.  If you’re uncertain if the event is taking place because of weather, call the office at (802) 257-0775 and speak to Connie at ext. 104 or Joyce at ext. 105.