Living & Dying: A Hospice Blog

by Hilary Farquhar February has been a strange month. My mother got shingles at the end of January, which led to a cascade of issues that landed her in the ER. As luck would have it, my sister, who is Mom's primary caretaker, had a severe...

by Jennie Reichman I think I’ve mentioned in this space that my mother was a young German woman during World War II. She endured bombings, displacement, walked and hitchhiked to Czechoslovakia from Berlin, scavenged for food and experienced many other hardships. She met my dad, an...

By Eileen Glover, SIP Coordinator I try to start every support group session with some sort of grounding visualization/guided meditation. (Sometimes we get carried away talking right out of the gate and then we’ll do it at the end.) It’s fascinating to watch how each unique...

Ten Tips for Getting through the Holidays when You're Grieving a Loss Eat well. Drink plenty of water. Cut back on sweets, alcohol, and caffeine. Exercise. It reduces stress, and can help you sleep better. If you accept invitations to parties and dinners, ask permission to be flexible....

By Hilary Farquhar Whether this is time or snow, passing Through the night, earthward, Who can tell— White Darkness, Virginia Hamilton Adair I miss my cat. For as long as he lived with me, Tris would spend the first few hours after I brought my Christmas tree home sniffing every...

By Jennie Reichman We are entering the time of year when shopping is tantamount. Somewhere around the week before Thanksgiving, everyone really gets it that summer is over, winter is in the wings, and Christmas is (yikes!) a few weeks away. For several days before we...

The third Hospice Amazing Hunt is in the books - what a great day! The weather was perfect, we had a good turnout, and by all reports everyone had a good time on the Hunt! On Saturday, September 28, nine teams gathered at Plated Restaurant to...

by Eileen Glover, SIP Program Coordinator or, “How did I get in this boat, and where exactly is it going?!” What I have heard most from serious illness support group participants is what a relief it is to be able to spend time with others who are...

Brattleboro Area Hospice is a beloved community resource that provides solace and support to our neighbors, friends and family as they suffer through illness, death, and grieving.    We are seeking a part-time Development & Communications Director to develop and implement the fundraising and communication goals of...