We offer ongoing Caregiver Support Groups throughout the year.  

Caregiver, caretaker, care partner, care provider… whatever you call it, it takes a lot of yourself to care for another person, whether they are near or far.  

People tell us that sharing their experiences in the company of  others who understand can provide comfort, strength, validation, reassurance, and  hope to endure the challenges and realize the joys of taking care of loved ones.  

Support: To give courage, faith, or confidence to; help or comfort. 

To endure; tolerate. To keep up; sustain.  

The next in-person group will begin June 6, 2023,  and meet EVERY OTHER Tuesday from 1pm – 2:30 pm. This group will meet in person.

Once you speak with the facilitator (info below) you can start attending.

Call us at 802-257-0775 or email for more info. To speak to group facilitator Ruth Nangeroni about attending, call 802-257-0775 ext 102 or email