Death Cafe Returns to Brattleboro

You must RSVP to attend this event!


Death cafe poster September 2013Death Café is an international movement started in Europe dedicated to taking death out of the closet and discussing it publicly.  For more info go to:

 Comments from our 1st Death Café:

“People spoke openly about their feelings and experiences of death, a conversation I’ve never been able to have before.”

“I experienced what I didn’t expect, though I really didn’t know what to expect.” 

“I loved the range of ages in our group.  I loved the new insights and perspectives.”

“This was awesome!  Please do it again! 

Participants reported Brattleboro’s Death Café experience as comfortable, supporting a full range of emotions – from tears to raucous laughter, easier than anticipated, energy charged, inspirational and fun.

It’s not a support group, or a counseling session, not even a workshop . . . but simply community members coming together in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere, sipping drinks, munching treats and sharing respectful, engaging, thought provoking and life affirming conversation.

People around the world are discussing:  What happens after death?  How do I help my parents when they’re approaching end of life?  How can we prepare for our own death?  How does thinking about death improve my life?  Differences in grieving rituals.  Near death experiences.  What’s a green burial?  And much, much more!

Event and Snacks are free – Reservations Required Please!

Everyone welcome, but RSVP is a must: contact Cheryl Richards, Brattleboro Area Hospice @ 802/257-0775 X108 or email