5 Things That People Who Are Dying Want You to Know The hospice chaplain reveals what she's learned about supporting loved ones as they prepare to embark on their last journey. Read more: http://www.oprah.com/inspiration/kerry-egan-5-things-that-people-who-are-dying-want-you-to-know#ixzz5LjjSWI98 ...
Want to laugh AND be inspired to consider your life? Come to our library and check out Defending Your Life, a comedy staring Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks. It's an American romantic comedy-fantasy film about a man who dies and arrives in the afterlife only...
Local writer and educator Deborah Lee Luskin recently wrote about her gratitude for Hallowell, Brattleboro Area Hospice, and Grace Cottage Hospital http://www.deborahleeluskin.com/hallowell-music-for-the-dying/...
A legacy is more than just about leaving money (though it also is about that) For those of us who don't have children, figuring out your legacy can be a wonderful investigation of what gives your life meaning. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/well/how-to-leave-a-legacy-when-you-dont-have-children.html?em_pos=small&emc=edit_hh_20180718&nl=well&nl_art=9&nlid=1647834emc%3Dedit_hh_20180718&ref=headline&te=1...
"Garrett Matthias, 5, thought about what his funeral would look like one day. He didn’t want a solemn gathering; he wanted a carnival-like atmosphere. “Funerals are sad,” his obituary said. “I want five bouncy houses (because I’m 5), Batman and snow cones.” When he died,...
Are you interested in becoming a hospice volunteer? Consider attending our fall Hospice Care Volunteer Training, which will be held at Grace Cottage Hospital in Townshend beginning on September 5th and running through November 14th. Classes meet once a week on Wednesdays from 2:30 –...
This photographer documented his father's last days on Instagram. More and more people are using social media at end of life. "Family and friends, many of whom would not have the chance to see Benny again before his death, started commenting on the pictures. Then Barr’s...
We have a shelf of books for children of all ages (and the inner child of adults!) to help all of us learn and become more comfortable with death, loss and grief. If you know a child who is grieving or has a parent who...