Adult Child Loss Grief Support Group 

Brattleboro Area Hospice is offering a grief support group for parents, step-parents or guardians who have experienced the death of an adult child.

This is an 8 week group meeting on Thursdays, 5:30-7pm, July 21st – Sept. 8th. The group is limited to 10 people. Please be able to commit to 6 out of the 8 weeks and attend the first session.

Lars Hunter, Bereavement Program Coordinator at BAH, will be the facilitator.

The group will meet at the Brattleboro Area Hospice office, 191 Canal St. Brattleboro, masks will be required.  The group is free of charge. For more information or to register, contact Lars Hunter, Bereavement Program Coordinator at 802-257-0775 ext. 104 or