02 Apr Aging America: Coping with Loss, Dying, and Death in Later Life
Annual Living with Grief Teleconference
FREE admission
Tuesday, May 7, 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Brattleboro Retreat Conference Center
Following the teleconference, there will be a local panel to discuss the presentation with the audience
Advanced age can bring a range of losses from a spouse or partner to independence and identity. Along with experiencing multiple losses, older people are more likely suffer from multiple chronic conditions requiring complex medical care.
How can mental health professionals, healthcare providers, and the wider community support the growing number of aging Americans through these losses?
Aging America panelists Ken Doka, Brian de Vries, and Pat Murphy will integrate their expertise to discuss these issues and look at innovative programs and new approaches to support bereaved older adults as they explore:
- grief experiences and support needs specific to older adults,
- programs designed to end the “conveyer belt” of runaway care in the last months of life, and
- ethical issues that may arise.
- Ken Doka, PhD, MDiv, The College of New Rochelle
- Patricia Murphy, PhD, APN, FAAN, FPCN Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School
- Brian de Vries, PhD, San Francisco State University, Emeritus
- Moderator: Frank Sesno, George Washington University