17 Apr Living While Dying: new documentary film screens in Brattleboro!
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Living While Dying
Documentary Film Spring 2018 Tour
Life-Affirming Film on How to Face the Fear of Death by Living Life to its Fullest screens in Brattleboro
In a world that sees death as something to vanquish, the 45-minute documentary Living While Dying presents an alternative: people living with terminal illness who greet the inevitable with courage, humor, creativity and acceptance. Though the subject is difficult, the film is surprisingly uplifting.
In Living While Dying, filmmaker Cathy Zheutlin sets out on a brave quest to face mortality. The new film will be screened in multiple cities this spring. Every screening is followed by Q & A with the filmmaker and a panel of local experts. In Brattleboro, the screening is sponsored by Brattleboro Area Hospice.
Death is a big mystery, yet the outcome is 100% certain. Dispelling traditional fears and expectations about death, Living While Dying invites us to reimagine and set the stage for our own inevitable endings. It offers profound opportunities to uncover value, grace, and meaning for all stages of life.
Zheutlin travels from Portland to Australia to Bali as she explores and unravels her own fears with an open, upbeat style. Along the way, she meets an Aboriginal elder and a “death walker” in Australia, and she witnesses a mass cremation in Bali. Because it’s personal, she invites her 90-year old mom to an outside the box moment – sitting inside a box, a coffin, to talk with her about her end-of-life wishes.
Says Zheutlin, “It’s not really about dying at all. It’s about asking: ‘How am I living today, because I actually could die tomorrow…Is the life I am living today the life I truly want?’
Given the growing global Silver Tsunami of older adults, both Boomers and Millennials are now creating a grassroots movement to reclaim death as a natural part of life.
For the past 40 years, Zheutlin has made films that explore consciousness and encourage progressive change. Past projects include Lost Love and the documentary Just One Step: The Great Peace March, the story of a 9-month cross-country trek for global nuclear disarmament. A wife, mother and craniosacral biodynamic healer, Zheutlin recently completed the award-winning short, Spirituality in the Workplace.
Living While Dying launched in Portland, OR to a sold-out premiere at the Clinton Street Theater, surprising and delighting the audience and extended community. Future screenings will take place in local theaters,community centers, churches, temples, schools, and libraries.
Following each screening audiences will be invited to join a discussion that can help change how we perceive death and dying. The filmmaker, along with end-of-life experts, will offer open-ended questions, inviting the audiences to address a topic once deemed taboo.
“A good threshold movie for those beginning to wrestle with or confront what death can be…”
“Everything you wanted to know about conscious dying but were afraid to ask.”
“Of all the end-of-life documentaries I’ve watched … yours touched me the most deeply throughout the entire film …Your tender and sensitive filming of both their struggles and their ease with death, their embrace of life and love, is beautiful. I really appreciate your first-person perspective as well, because that is the most powerful way to connect with viewers and help them identify their own fears and denial.”
– Karen M. Wyatt, MD, Hospice Physician, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker, Author of What Really Matters
April 4 Portland, OR – Clinton Street Theater 7pm
April 8 Oregon City, OR– Unitarian Universalist Congregational Church – Noon
April 20 San Diego, CA- La Mesa Library – 5:30 pm
April 25 Ashland, OR– Havurah Shir Hadash – 7pm
May 10 Portland, OR– Rose Villa Senior Living -7pm
May 14 Philadelphia, PA – Lovett Library – 7pm
May 15 New Hope, PA – Kehilat HaNahar – 7pm
May 17 Pelham, NY – The Picture House – 7:30pm
May 18 New York City, NY – The Art of Dying Institute at the Open Center – 7pm
May 21 Albany, NY – University of Albany – 9am
May 22 Great Barrington, MA – TBA – 7PM
May 23 Brattleboro, VT, Brooks Memorial Library – 6:30pm
May 24 Portland, ME, Portland Public Library 5pm
May 25 Yarmouth, ME, Merrill Memorial Library 11 am
May 29 Lebanon, NH , Dartmouth Hitchcock Norris Cancer Center pending
June 3 Amherst, MA, Jewish Community of Amherst – 3:30pm
June 4 Washington DC, Chevra Kadisha Conference/Dinner Discussion – 5 PM
June 5 Baltimore, MD, Church of the Redeemer – 7pm
June 8 or 10 Newton, MA TBA
June 9 Haverhill, MA Unitarian Universalist Church/Lunch Discussion -11:30 am
June 11 Falmouth MA First Congregational Church on the Falmouth Village Green 7:30pm
June 12 Martha’s Vineyard, MA, West Tisbury Library – 4pm
Website: livingwhiledying.org
Twitter: @LivingWhile
Facebook: @livingwhiledyingmovie