Memorial Service for those who have died from substance use

Voices of Hope and Brattleboro Area Hospice

to honor Memorial Service International Opioid Overdose Day

Voices of Hope and Brattleboro Area Hospice will be honoring “International Opioid Overdose Day” with a Memorial Service to be held August 31, 2022, 6pm at St. Mary’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church, 13 E. Main St. Wilmington, VT. This will be a non-religious service open to all.

We invite everyone whose life has been affected by the loss of a loved one due to substance use to come and share photos, mementos, and stories. We will remember those lost with music, readings, speakers, and a candle ritual. Please bring photos, small mementos, and artwork to be displayed in honor of loved ones.

There will be grief support available from Brattleboro Area Hospice. For more information contact Lars Hunter at 802-257-0775 ext. 104,

Voices of Hope’s mission is to inspire HOPE and actively support people affected by substance use/misuse. We advocate to increase local resources and raise awareness about substance use/misuse and the importance of COMPASSION in the Deerfield Valley. Our vision is to create a community that fosters connection, acceptance, creativity, recreation, health and safety.

Voices of Hope, uses a grassroots self-organized model, to encourage community members to fight stigma around substance use disorder and bring resources, information, harm reduction and recovery supports to the Deerfield Valley.