A gift of a Retirement Account

Retirement accounts are among the most tax-burdened assets in an individual’s estate. A Legacy donor can realize the full impact of their retirement funds during their lifetime, reduce the size of their taxable estate and sustain the future of Brattleboro Area Hospice through a gift of retirement assets.

Retirement accounts incur both income tax and estate taxes for our heirs and often at the time when their own income tax rates are highest. The gift of a retirement account is one of the simplest planned gifts to make and requires no legal or accounting assistance. You simply change the primary or secondary beneficiary on your account, or name the organization as a co-beneficiary along with your heirs offering your heirs flexibility in how they take their inheritance dependent upon their life circumstances.

What to do next: When you set up, or revise, the beneficiary list for your retirement account, include Brattleboro Area Hospice, 191 Canal Street, Brattleboro VT 05301, as a full or partial beneficiary.

We would be happy to meet with you to further discuss your hopes for leaving a legacy.  Please call the office at 802-257-0775 to schedule an appointment with the Development Director.

Thank you!