Are you a good listener? Do you want to support a neighbor who is grieving the death of their loved one? Become a Bereavement Volunteer! Bereavement Volunteers provide emotional support and companionship to individuals grieving the death loss of a loved one.  No experience is needed, space...

Are you a good listener? Do you want to support a neighbor who is grieving the death of their loved one? Become a Bereavement Volunteer! Bereavement Volunteers provide emotional support and companionship to individuals grieving the death loss of a loved one.  No experience is needed, space...

We are hosting a Death Cafe here at Brattleboro Area Hospice on March 26, 2024 from 3 to 5 pm. At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.  Our objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to...

On Tuesday, February 20th from 1 to 2:30 pm, Brattleboro Area Hospice will host a Kitchen Table Conversation on green burial and home funerals. The event will take place at Brattleboro Area Hospice,191 Canal Street, Brattleboro.    Some of the most engaging and interesting conversations happen around...

We will be gathering at Pliny Park on Wednesday, November 1st at 5pm to begin a new tradition – a “lantern walk” through town ending at the parking lot at Experienced Goods. Lanterns will be provided and you may also bring your own or use the...

We are providing one evening of grief support and a time to remember loved ones around the holidays. We will offer coping skills, time to share stories and concerns, and non-religious ornaments that a name or message can be written on and then hung on...

Annual Memorial Service to Remember Those Lost to Substance Use & Overdose   Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:30 pm Buzzy Towne Park-S Main St, Wilmington VT   Voices of Hope and Brattleboro Area Hospice invite you to a non-religious service with music, readings, and more, including a memorial candle...

The next Kitchen Table Conversation will be on the subject of Advance Care Planning and will be held on Wednesday, April 12 from 6 to 8 pm at Experienced Goods.   What is a Kitchen Table Conversation? When you think about some of your most engaging and interesting...