by Jennie Reichman The other day I wore something I wouldn’t have been caught dead in a few years ago: high-waisted jeans. I freely admit that I am a clotheshorse, a fashionista, a follower of trends. I do draw the line at dressing as if I...

We answer your questions about Advance Care Planning Dear Alice, When I signed my will several years ago, the packet of documents I received from my attorney included an advance directive that my attorney and I did not discuss in any depth. A friend says that really...

We answer your questions about Advance Care Planning Dear Alice, Getting my Advance Directive (AD) done was my New Year's resolution, and I was just about to get started when COVID-19 hit.  But with the challenge of the pandemic, I feel really confused.  Suddenly questions about ICUs...

by Jennie Reichman It happened in early August while I was out on my morning run, an incongruent splotch of scarlet on the grey pavement at my feet. Summer was in full swing, the air was warm and humid at 6:30 am, but there on the...

Take the first step in learning about advance directives by watching a video at home! Don Freeman, our ACP Coordinator and ACP volunteers Hanna Thurber and Lana Golden speak with the Southern Vermont Young Professionals group about the basics of advance directives, a document that...

Dear Alice, With help from Taking Steps Brattleboro, I have recently completed and registered a Vermont "Short Form" advance directive. I am so relieved, and my children, who are in their late twenties and early thirties, are so grateful that we have had the "Advance Care...

by Jennie Reichman Hello, and welcome to Experienced Goods! Face mask? Check. Hand sanitizer? Check. Willingness to maintain the six-foot distance protocol? Check. So excited to be shopping again at the world’s best thrift store you can barely stand it? Double check!! On Tuesday, July 7,...

By Lars Hunter Bereavement Program Coordinator As I drive through the backroads of Vermont I’m overwhelmed with the color nature provides us this time of year. The lush green trees covering the mountains and long open meadows, and the wildflowers as they brightly blaze on the roadside...

By Sarah Cooper-Ellis A phantom lives forever in our love, the great sorrow embodied there.  The saying goes: “Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Is it? How deeply do you want to let love into every fiber of your muscles,...

Dear Alice, Hi! It's me, the Concerned Supporter again, with the questions you suggested I send you last month. My questions are about planning for the possibility of dementia. A friend of mine who has seen several family members go through Alzheimer's is currently doing his...