ASK ALICE Dear Alice, A friend has recently asked me to be her health care agent.  I am inclined to say yes, but I want to find out more about what is involved.  There is a fair amount on the internet about how to choose a good...

ASK ALICE Your questions answered about Advance Care Planning This month's topic: More than one home: Do I need multiple ADs?   Dear Alice, I live part of the year in another state and part of the year in Vermont.  And even when I am living in Vermont, I spend significant...

From Jennie Reichman, Shop staff “You kids, get off my lawn!” Those words have become synonymous with jokes about differences between people of one generation (over 40ish) and another (under 25ish). Those of us in the first category either laugh and nod knowingly at those jokes,...

We are pleased to announce the establishment of Friends of Cicely Saunders. At the encouragement of several people who have named BAH as a beneficiary in their will, BAH has created a legacy program named after Cicely Saunders who is considered to be the founder...

Brattleboro’s Quality Youth Department Project awarded us for being a youth friendly business! To quote BQYDP, we are a business that “is an inclusive and welcoming place towards young people from all backgrounds” and “has friendly staff that youth feel comfortable talking to”. We are...

We are excited to announce that Brattleboro Area Hospice has been chosen as the November recipient of the Round Up for Change program at the Brattleboro Food Coop. When you’re shopping at the Coop in November, be sure to Round Up, and all proceeds will go...

ASK ALICE Dear Alice, I have been meaning to do my advance directive for a while, and a friend referred me to Taking Steps Brattleboro for help in finally getting it done.  I do plan to call, but I'm just wondering – why is your organization called...

Hold Strong By Lars Hunter, Bereavement Program Coordinator, for Seasons As I stand in my backyard, looking up at the towering trees as they dangle against the vibrant blue sky, I notice the change beginning. Many leaves have already shed their green color and turned a dark...

It’s one of those shoulder seasons. Autumn coolness at night, summer heat in the afternoon. Lush green leaves mingling with reds and golds. Both of my wardrobes (tee-shirts and shorts, long sleeves and jeans) in use. I’m not willing to winterize and store the outdoor...

Dear Alice, I just heard that Don Freeman will be retiring from his position as Taking Steps Brattleboro's Coordinator! Have you found a new Coordinator? Will your important work continue? What will Don be doing? Thanks, Looking Forward to the Future Dear Looking Forward, We, too, are looking forward...