Living & Dying: A Hospice Blog

Rain, Rain, Go Away By Lars Hunter, Bereavement Care Coordinator As I sit here writing this piece in my office at 191 Canal St., I’m looking out the window at the drenching rain that continues to pour down and seemingly has no end. Last night and this...

Reflections on 20 Years of Hallowell by Kathy Leo, founding member The beginning is always an unknown journey.  How can we know what lies ahead, where a path may lead, how an idea can grow and shape, can include and bestow.   Hallowell took its first baby steps...

Note: The BAH Memorial Garden is located on the side of Living Memorial Park (directly across from 21 Guilford Street, on the hillside adjacent to the road). On June 6, we will have our first springtime Planting Service at the Memorial Garden since 2019, when the...

BAH's Memorial Garden has certainly evolved over the years. Here are some pictures from its beginnings as a few raised beds to today's incarnation. EARLY DAYS THE PERGOLA AND HARDSCAPE PLANTING ANNUALS HALLOWELL and LERNA PROVIDE THE SOUNDTRACK . MEMORIAL STONES ANNUALS, FLAGS, and CIRCLES  FLOWERS WAITING FOR ANOTHER SERVICE . . . ...

By Lars Hunter, Bereavement Coordinator Ahh, that time of year we all wait for during the cold dark days of winter. The bleak landscape turns into a burst of flowering new energy, the sweet scent of flowers, the buzz of insects, and the songs of birds...

Dear Friends,  It seems that tears are falling to our thirsty earth this morning. Sometimes tears nurture and lead to growth. That’s how it is for me these days. Our family is preparing to say good-bye to our 90-year-old mother as we have known her for...

How Do I Find You The weeds and the wilds of human behavior fill up the earth with a bittersweet synonym  for what we contain  in a world that is brimming  with light that is dimming  but fighting to hum its hymn to tomorrow  and what is to come. ~ Caroline Shaw I...

I’ve just finished reading the wonderful book Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May, and her beautiful book reminds me why Winter is such a precious time of year for me. Her story is a poetic memoir, an investigation...

When I moved to the Brattleboro area in 1994, I did what I always do when getting to know a new place: I sought out the best grocery stores, bookstores and, most importantly, thrift stores.  Experienced Goods was a cute little shop off the Harmony...

I am going to let my politics show a little bit this month.  Nothing too partisan, but with enough passion behind it to take a clear stand.  This month I want to talk about books.  I never imagined in our modern age that books would...